Lean Six Sigma Strategy

The management company called Lean (literally "thin" can be translated as "agile enterprise" or "flexible firm") links the performance (productivity and quality) with the flexibility of an enterprise, to be able to reconfigure and maintain all of its processes. Proponents of the Lean seek performance through continuous improvement by eliminating waste. Adaptable to all economic sectors, Lean Management, which has its sources in Japan, is now mainly located in most industries. 

In fact, the methodology and Lean Sigma tools can be even more valuable by revealing problems and sources of waste, sometimes repeated hundreds of times per minute, which are normally hidden from view of everyone. Six Sigma is a trademark of Motorola. It is a methodology used by some companies to improve quality and efficiency of their processes.

LeanSigma strategy combines Lean and Six Sigma into one coordinated effort; it puts an end to speculation about the timing or manner of implementation of these instruments and finally slashed the time required for their implementation. 

A key to the speed and efficiency is to select good projects and it is not uncommon for your management teams to spend a few days to establish a strategy and select the best projects with the greatest return on investment. We help our customers to apply flow analysis to identify value opportunities and the impact on the bottom line, then align resources to these goals. The final result is an accelerated implementation that will allow you to reap the benefits of Lean Sigma well before your competitors.